Your Child will need:
- A set of spare clothes (if your child gets wet or dirty when playing).
- Nappies / wipes etc if applicable.
- Coat & indoor footwear-slippers / pumps ( if desired )
- Medication if required.
- All of the above clearly labelled with your child’s name.
- In summer months please ensure your child arrives with sun screen applied.

Babies; We can give breakfast to the babies between 7.30 & 8.30. This is to be provided by yourselves and labelled.
Toddlers & Pre-school; We will provide breakfast for the toddlers and pre-school if your child starts their session before 8.00. This consists of cereal and toast or fruit and a drink of milk or water. Please ask for current charge.
Mealtimes / Breaks
The Park Nursery will provide each child with a drink and snack mid-morning, 9.30-10.00 and mid-afternoon approx 3pm, and whilst doing this we will be constantly promoting a healthy and fun way to enjoy food. This consists of a variety of fruit and vegetables, cheese, breadsticks, rice cakes. A choice of a drink of either milk or water is available.
Babies; Lunch is between 11.45 & 1.00.
Babies should bring all their food and drinks, in named bottles, cups etc. (all jars must be sealed). We cannot reheat cooked rice.
Toddlers & Pre-school; Lunch is between 11.45 & 1.00.
You need to provide a cold packed lunch and drink in a named container. Please do not send sweets, jelly sweets, lollies etc, we try to adhere to a “healthy” packed lunch regime, a small cake, cake bar, biscuit is okay, and only 1 item of “pudding” This will be refrigerated.
Brush Bus Programme, this is available to children 2 yrs upwards, if staying after 1pm we will encourage them to be part of our Brush Bus scheme cleaning their teeth after lunch. Each child has their own individual toothbrush/paste provided.

If your child needs medication we will require you to fill out a medicine form when you arrive at nursery.
Only life saving medicines will be admitted – i.e. Inhalers / Epi Pens.
Short course medicine may be admitted – i.e. Amoxicillin.
All medicines will be stored correctly and they will need to be labelled with the child’s name and dosage.

Birthdays are a special time for all children and we will make your child’s birthday memorable. We will sing to your child and record it on the Learningbook for you and we may have a special treat at snack time !!

Please let staff know as soon as possible if your child is unwell and not attending nursery.
Please DO NOT send your child back to nursery until clear for 48 hours after suffering sickness / diarrhoea.
Please think before sending your child to nursery if you think they are unwell. Not only is it unfair to them, it also puts the other children and staff at risk of infection.
Should a child become sick or have an accident at nursery, every effort will be made to contact parents / authorised adult before taking further actions.