Baby Room
The baby room is a home from home so the children feel relaxed and comfortable. We offer settling in visits prior to your baby starting nursery to get to know you and your baby and you us. Babies are all individuals and we ask that you fill in an All About me to reflect your routine at home. We use this information, alongside the current framework, the EYFS, to provide the care and support for the development and happiness of your child.
The baby room is a cheery, stimulating environment to encourage exploration and support development according to the age and stage of your baby through play. Activities include lots of messy play, singing, music, books, construction, sensory play and mark making, plus lots of cuddles. These all provide opportunities to develop skills in all areas and above all have fun. Your child will have a key person who will observe their development and learning, assess their progress and plan next steps to continue their learning.
The babies love being outside in the garden, where there are push along toys, ride on toys, water play, blankets and mats for the non-walkers. We also go out for walks in the 6 seater turtle bus, around the park or to the beach; each seat has a harness and sun canopy to keep safe.
We have three areas in the baby room, two for playing, so we can have the pre toddlers running around in one and the smaller babies who are not yet mobile or crawling in another, we all come together throughout the day as well. We have a separate sleep area in the room and your child can sleep in a cot or chair, depending on your preference.
Toddler Group
The toddler room is based upstairs in the nursery and the routines follow on from the baby room and prepare children for the Pre-School.
The main focus is play, this includes all areas of learning and promotes child development.
The room is split into three areas, the messy / craft area where the toddlers enjoy water play, foam play, shredded paper play and lots of painting and mark making opportunities. There is a cosy reading area and lots of books to look at and enjoy stories. The children enjoy small world play with the happyland and train sets. Lots of construction opportunities for the toddlers with bricks, blocks and duplo. A home corner where the children enjoy role play and dressing up!! The sensory area has a bubble tube and lots of noise and light toys for us to explore. For those who need a sleep we have a quiet area with beds or chairs for the children.
The children love being outside and we go out at regular intervals, either in the garden where we have lots of bikes, ride on toys, water play and mark making or we go for a walk in the turtle bus.
All the activities are age/stage related, key workers work closely with their key children observing and recording and putting next steps in place. Between 24-36 months two year checks will be recorded, discussing with the parents the child’s progress, a copy will be given to the parent for the two year check with the Health Visitor.
Toddler Room
Pre School Group
Pre-school is still all about playing and socialising, however we do begin to prepare your child for the next journey of going to big school, they may not be aware of it, but all the activities, resources and equipment are all structured to help develop them ready for school even though they may tell you they “just play”
We observe each child’s development and learning, assess their progress and plan next steps to continue their learning.
We also have the “All about me” sheets so we can gain knowledge about your child’s likes and dislikes and help them settle in and enjoy their time with us at Park Nursery.
In Pre-school we have a “school room” in which we encourage all children to use and join in with activities to help them learn letters, numbers and support them in learning new things ready for school.
We like to take outings with groups of children so they can learn new experiences outside the setting, these include visits to the local park, beach and the local library.
We have a free play system, alongside a planned adult led activity each day, which all the children are encouraged to take part in. We have free flow to the outdoor area, supervised at all times.
Pre-school room
Garden Room
We have a lovely room in the garden, which all areas of the nursery use. The babies love to be in there playing and looking out at the other children playing in the garden. As well as enjoying exploring another area, it allows the babies to watch the older children at play and the other practitioners, so they recognise them when they move up to the toddler room.
The toddlers and pre-school are able to use this room in smaller groups. This is a great place for the children to be expressive and sing loudly !!! We all love it !!!
The pre-school group use this room as a quiet area in the term before they start at ‘big school’ During this time the children are grouped, for short periods, with their peers who are going to the same school, we feel this helps them when they start school as they have built a good bond with each other.
We still learn through play but put a little more structure in place to help prepare them for the transition.
The pre-school group are able to access this room whilst they are playing outside, should they want to look at a book, play a game or do some drawing.