OFSTED rating is GOOD - July 2023
Quotes from the Inspection:
“Children thrive in this welcoming setting”
“Staff help children to develop a positive attitude to their learning & they are eager to engage in the exciting activities the staff provide”
“All children make good progress at the setting”
“Staff know the children & their families extremely well”

Welcome to The Park Nursery Web Site.
Starting Nursery is a big step that you and your child will take together, with help and support from a team of highly qualified staff the Nursery promise is to
“Develop happy and well nurtured children”
. We hope you find the following information and facts useful, if you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact us.

At the Park Nursery the staff are committed to providing a planned curriculum in which your child will be able to learn at their own pace. This will be achieved by covering the Early Learning goals for the Foundation Stage.

We have termly Parents’ Evening throughout the year with yourselves – to come along and share further relevant information and discuss your child’s development and progress with you.

The children will also learn and play indoors and outdoors by having access to Water Play, Sand Play, Painting, Books, Computers, Dressing Up, Cars & Dolls etc and of course by having lots of FUN!

It is the Park Nurseries policy that your child will be valued and respected as an individual and no form of discrimination will be tolerated.

We strive to encourage your child to develop their confidence, social skills, knowledge and concepts of their environment around them through constructive play and group activities in accordance to their stage of development.